Two speakers enter; one speaker leaves.

Let me rephrased: Two speakers made in Utah; one speaker shipping out to New England.

Reference to Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome aside, I haven't seen a thread focused on a direct comparison of either:

Tekton Lore ($999) vs. Zu Omen ($1499)
Tekton Enzo ($2000) vs. Zu Omen Def ($3199)

Maybe not a totally fair comparison for either, but I am going to pick one pair listed. And no, I'm not auditioning. I'm ordering purely on feedback from what I hear from you, wise audiophiles/music listeners.

This choice is only about the sound and not about the value. That said, spending $999 certainly leaves more dough for other pastries.

What else? I'll be using these with a push-pull 8ohm 25-watter and turntable only in a 14'x16' study/den.

Music? I like it all. Wish it weren't so, but yea, I do contemporary female vocals as much as I do gritty 60's soul-jazz. Put a little Hendrix, Christina Aguilera, and Theivery Corporation in the glass. Shake. Pour. And that's my drink.

So what's it gonna be? Airy, but not forward. Meaty, but not bloated. Detailed, but not analytical. Big sound-stage, but not placement finicky...

the Tekton Lore or the Zu Omen
The Tekton Enzo or the Zu Omen Def

Btw, if you've never heard either, comment anyway. I'm easy.
I've owned both the Lores and the Omens. I sold the Omens after six months of trying to like them but never really feeling any magic was there. I kept the Lores for a year and only sold them to move up the line to a pair of Lore-S which are smaller and therefore fit a bit better in my space. Over the years I've owned a variety of speakers up to around $2500, but have enjoyed the Tektons most of all. They're dynamic, easy to drive, unfussy about amplification, and fundamentally musical. If you do end up getting a Tekton speaker, I highly recommend spending the extra money and getting a wood veneer upgrade. Eric does amazing work and everyone who sees my Lore-S in cherrywood comment on how good they look.
There was a long thread here on Audiogon that compared Zu Omens and Tekton Lores
Thanks for he input. I'm now trying to decide between the Lore and the Lore-S. It looks like the Lore is easier to drive than the Lore-S. I think it might be best to sacrifice a little detail from the upgraded tweeter of the S in exchange for the higher sensitivity of the Lore.

Any thoughts on the difference between the Lore and the Lore-S?
Man, I hate these threads. One cannot comment on which one is better unless you know what their system is comprised of. I have heard Zu speakers sound bad on one amp and then really good with another amp. Same goes for many other speakers or components in a system. I currently own three speakers, Vandy 5s, Meadowlarks Nighthawks and Alon V MKIIs. Each of them requires a different amp to make they sound their best. If you are buying anything without hearing it in your system, then you are a better person than I am. Even different amps from the same mfg sound different. I hope this was helpful.

Happy Listening.