Horning Perikles w Frankenstein amp

anyone other there heard the Horning Perikles or any other Horning speaker w Coincident's Frankenstein 300b amp? No problem w power rating- the speakers are 96 dB but not sure if the amp will be able to control the two, 8" woofers.
My Frankenstein amps have absolutely no problem driving my Coincident Pure Reference speakers with 2- 12 inch woofers per speaker. Every now and then, I will switch out the Franks and plug in my VAC 30/30 but the Franks still rule in my system and to my ears.
Charlesldad- Good idea but the Wavac is long gone (but I do see it still floating around A'gon land, it's distinctive by the dimple on the back of one of the transformer housings). I guess my system page really needs updating. Thx for the thought, tho.
That's the same point I made earlier when comparing the Franks to my
push pull amps(both a 100 watt and a 40 watt amp). Simply no problem
with the Coincident dual woofers. The Horning may or may not be a
different case(could be harder to drive?). Your comparison to the VAC REN
30/30 (excellent amp) speaks volumes of the Frankenstein's considerable
capabilities. The Frankenstein has a very stout/ heavy duty power supply
that may provide drive that some other 300b SET lack, as a possible
Thx for the input Markus. A direct comparison btwn a Ren 30/30 and the Franks is very helpful. Which would you say is better at harmonic structure, timber, tone, conveying the emotional side of the music as opposed to soundstaging, imaging, etc, which are not that important to me. Musical tastes run toward Americana, alt-country, singer songwriter, blues, folk-rock. Tift Merrit to Lyle Lovett to Eddie from Ohio to Bonnie Raitt to Iris Dement to EmmyLou Harris to Mark Knopfler to Ronnie Earl to Stevie Ray Vaughan to Norah Jones to David Grisman to Cindi Lauper.
Swampwalker once you have a good SET amp, I don't think there is any turning back. It's like having tubes for the first time and realizing what they do that solid state does not do and then going to the next step Single Ended. As long as the speaker can be driven no looking back.