How to meaningfully audition speakers??

I think this topic has appeared elsewhere, even if worded differently. But I thought I'd ask anyway.

Just upgraded my amp and was thinking about auditioning different speakers. Problem is that there are only a handful of high-end B&M stores nearby. Another complication is that no one store has the 2 or 3 speaker brands that I want to check out.

Further, I am dubious that one can meaningfully audition gear by running from store to store because the test conditions are not identical. In addition, unless a piece is really terrible or incredibly terrific, I don't trust my aural memory. Perhaps other have a different view.

Seems to me that the best way to accomplish what I want is to have the speakers of interest brought to my house and hooked up to my rig. But -- I am NOT aware of any dealer willing to part with expensive gear like that, especially if it has to be specially ordered from a distributor because the model is not on display.

So the Q is what do most folks do? Just buy speakers on hope and a prayer?? Rely on reviews or Forum comments??
"Indeed, but what about my Winebago idea?"

Way to think "out of the box" !! I like it.
Wolf, Can I purchase a ticket to your concert?
Make sure I will have enough time to run to dealer with my earplugs to audition speakers :)))
Post removed 
Liz, didn;t realize the term "live music" was open to so much debate and qualifications. If its live guys playing and its not a recording, however they do it and whatever tools they choose, electronic or otherwise, isn't that "live"? What is it otherwise if not? Not a recording. Music of the "undead" maybe? I consider a guy playing sounds on a synthesizer live as well, as long as its not a machine doing it. That's just me...:^)