You and Chayro's suggestion of different speakers and especially your EQ
recommendation makes good sense. Grannyring in the context of this
discussion your advice is well reasoned. Assuming Shawn doesn't want to
dismantle his system, a high quality musically natural source is essential.
If the source is inadequate, nothing further downstream is going to correct
the deficiency the source generated. Some digital components can tend to
be mechanical, amusical and lack a natural liquidity and musical flow, a
good source can transform this type of sound. I would agree you don't have
to spend anywhere near 8000 USD to achieve a fabulous sounding front
end that effectively communicates music's joy and message.
You and Chayro's suggestion of different speakers and especially your EQ
recommendation makes good sense. Grannyring in the context of this
discussion your advice is well reasoned. Assuming Shawn doesn't want to
dismantle his system, a high quality musically natural source is essential.
If the source is inadequate, nothing further downstream is going to correct
the deficiency the source generated. Some digital components can tend to
be mechanical, amusical and lack a natural liquidity and musical flow, a
good source can transform this type of sound. I would agree you don't have
to spend anywhere near 8000 USD to achieve a fabulous sounding front
end that effectively communicates music's joy and message.