Speaker Upgrade Help Please

I like my sound, but am ready to upgrade from my Dynaudio Focus 220s mrk1.

My system is:
Krell 400xi integrated
Oppo 95
REL B1 Sub
Nordost Blue Heaven XLR interconnects
Morpheaus Black Cat speaker cables
Cardas Golden Cross powercord

The system is used for 30% home theater, and the rest an even balance of classical, jazz, rock.

My challenges include:
- large space with with 14 ft ceilings and almost 6,000 cubic feet to fill.
- the speakers must be forgiving in terms of placement, including close to the back wall, about 10"
- have a somewhat small footprint due to the back wall issue
- Budget $3-5K used

Thanks for any suggestions!
It's hard to say what you will like since speakers are a very personal choice. I would look at Vandersteen, ProAc and DeVore. They all sound great and should be easy to place. Especially Vandersteen. They give you a lot of setup adjustments to work with.
How bout new Dynaudios. The C1 signature sounds pretty darn good, especially if you like the Dyn house sound......
Thanks for the responses.

The wife won't go for Vandersteens, but I would love to demo ProAcs in the Bay Area.

I'm also interested in upgrading within the Dynaudio line, but don't want to go to monitors given the large amount of space I want to fill.

Also, regarding Dynaudios, the pricing on their new Focus speakers have really jumped up.