Cardas Clear usb

I would like to hear from anyone who has this cable and what did you have before the Cardas. I have the Kimber but would like to get something else better without selling the house. :-)
I had the Kimber and changed to Cardas clear. Clear is better in all respects. Resolution, bass weight, mid range clarity, sound stage, etc. Clear needs about 50 hours of break in.
An earlier thread that I started... haven't received much response:

>>I had the Kimber and changed to Cardas clear. Clear is better in all respects.<<

I'm not sure this can be generalized beyond your specific experience with Kimber and many people have under-raved the K-cable on various threads in the past. So this doesn't strike me as being anything more than CC is better than KC.

I'd like to hear from 'goners who have heard not only CC, KC but also Synergistic Research, Virtue, the Ridge Street Audio offerings (Poeima and Alethias), the Cryoparts and its related USB cables, and several other USB cable makers.

:) listening,
