Tannoy Westminster SE vs. Sonus Faber Amati Futur

At a close price point between Tannoy Westminster Royal SE and Sonus Faber Amati Futura, Which has the slight advantage?
I owned the Westminster SE and I would opt for the Sonus Faber in a heartbeat. I felt the Westminster to be so room dependent not to mention the ridiculous size. They are ruthlessly revealing of all FLAWS in the system and none are perfect. My experience with them was a nightmare and I took a huge loss trying to sell them due to there size, shipping cost and limited fans in the US. I believe the Sonus Faber are a more user friendly and just down right pleasant to listen to. Don't get me wrong here the Sonus Faber is very revealing as well but I feel they highlight the positive. I vote for the Sonus Faber a beautiful one as well. You will get tired of the Westminster IMHO..

I you think the 2" midrange driver can carry the day going from 1 kHz up to 20 kHz then have at emÂ…..I prefer a larger but not to large midrange, between 6" and 7.5" to get the heft from instruments and especially male vocals.
If you buy things for their "designer boutique" looks then get the Sonus.

If you want the most musical, realistic sound, go Tannoy.

As to the guy who had the Westminsters and thought they were too analytical or revealing, I would say you had a very flawed system or you never really had them. Musical and natural is the hallmark of great Tannoys and the Westminster is arguably the greatest. Folks live with Tannoys for decades, more so than any other speaker I have ever seen, for precisely that reason: they state that "they sound like music".

If there is any flaw on the Westminsters, it is that they can be lacking on the ultimate extension on top (the opposite of "ruthlessly revealing"!) and can be a little warm (again, the opposite of the above poster's claim).

Search Google for "Tannoy Westminster" and you'll see that the overwhelming consensus opposite to the above poster's description. Except for the size, they are extremely easy to live with.
Go to the Tannoy website and look at the spec's. Then check the crossover frequency and you will get my drift...