What is Imaging?

Sorry for the basic question but I'm curious if we all mean the same thing.
In short...imaging is the ability to pick out/concentrate individual instruments and voices in a performance....some speakers obviously do this better than others...in that there is a real realism/excitement to the presentation...they transport the listener...small monitors are known for their pinpoint imaging and focus...however...I have large speakers accomplish this as well...all in the design...FWIW, I have also heard what many would could consider budget speakers...less than $500...do this very well...its not necessarily price exclusive
Nice...a "consultant" pushing cables to emphasis improved imaging which has no proven validity...only personal opinion...here we go again....
I sold MIT for over 6 years of time. We listend first to the MIT interconnects. They were connected for a long time. Even brand new AQ interconnects were superior to the MIT cables burned in. It is not pushing. It is Always about facts and the truth. It is about using the best quality possible, the rest does not make sence.
Cables are known to have the least effect on systems...then amps...once again back to speakers for depth and imaging....but dealers/consultants love to push hi end cables...huge mark up...then ofcourse one had to bi-wire...then bi-amp, etc
I do not agree. Some cables are that good that they have a very big influence. Since 2002 I use blind auditions to show to people how much they can do. For example source of 2000 euro with powercable of 2600 euro. Compared to source of 5000 euro with powercable of 100 euro. Or amp from 5000 euro with powercable of 100 euro. And amp of 2500 euro withj powercable of 2600 euro. You can spend your money one time. I want people to get the best quality for the money.

This weekend I was at a client with Wadia 381, Spectral poweramp, Audio Research 5SE and Isophon Cassiano. With MIT interconnects and MIT powercables there was a very vague focus with a little depth, low freq. were not tight and also the different layers were not there. By using Purist Powercables and Audioquest silver intrconnects the whole sound went to a much higher level. More depth, the image was so much more touchable and more 3-D. Decay was superior to the MIT cables.

Without the best cables you still miss the quality in imaging you can get with highend speakers, amps and sources with good cables.