The underlying and often understated meme here is the expense of trying things. If one was financially set then it would be nothing more than a matter of trying things to see if one could hear a difference that resulted in a better outcome. One wouldn't entertain the cost unless extravagant.
I always notice qualifiers when folk speak of how far they would go, as do I.
It wouldn't be too much for me to state that deep pockets are the luxury of those who can afford to see just how much, or little, an improvement can be made for much, or little outlay.
As far as I'm concerned, what one can and can't hear is totally up to ones ears and no one else. As far as advertisement goes, it's a given that hype and spin will be used by some but not all, so generalities are just that, generalities, and have no place as the sole point in an argument about efficacy of tweaks, cables and the like.
All the best,