Speaker placement

I've read a lot regarding speaker placement but I do have a question. If someone states place the speakers 3ft from the wall where do you measure it? From the rear of the cabinet or the from the driver position?

" It takes time, therefore, be patient."

Definitely good advice.

It also often pays to think out of the box in regards to placement, especially in rooms where more traditional placement options for best performance are not viable.

For example, in smaller rooms in particular placement that leverages a room corner somewhere in the middle can be a boon for soundstage and imaging when other more traditional placement options away from walls are not viable. One of my 4 rooms that I have set up for good sound currently is set up this way typically and results are outstanding.
Brf and Mapman tell it like it is.
Like everything in Audio its trial and error, which makes this hobby both fun and a PITA .
Somewhat like women.
Thanks for the responses. Placement has a lot to do with the speakers too. My Dyn C1's were easy to set up and moving them a little didn't make too much of a difference. With my Raidho D1's a small move makes a much bigger difference in sound.
Thanks They are also very different considering I had Dyn C1 and C1 Sig's (which are fantastic speakers) for almost 5 yrs. The D1's do things like have a blacker background which is something I thought was more of a ac power - amp - power cord thing. I also hear things I never heard before - very detailed with fantastic imaging and sound stage. They don't go as low as the Dyns but do everything else better IMO. Still trying to dial in the sub.
Thanks again