PSB or stick with vintage ADS

I currently have a vintage pair of great sounding (to me) ADS L470s. ADS has long been my favorite speaker (since the 80s) and I've simply never wanted to replace them. I briefly owned a larger floor-standing model and a smaller bookshelf as well. So 3 different pairs of ADS.

However, now I'm considering an in-house audition to compare some PSB Alpha B1s. I may also consider the in-wall PSB CW26s. This is simply due to space considerations - I just don't have a good location now for my speakers.

Now, clearly I'm not in the high-end audiophile range. I realize that. I'm unavoidably stuck in entry level, unfortunately. But has anyone who might be able to comment on both pairs of speakers have an opinion on whether the PSBs would be a suitable replacement for a loooong time ADS lover? I don't really want to bother bringing them home if they simply aren't at least as good. Both pair receive great respect in comments, but I never see them compared due to the fact the ADS are long gone as a company. Any mention of how good the ADS are is in the context of someone obtaining them for cheap through some acquisition. Ha.

I have read that speaker tech has come a long way over the years.

What is it that you like about PSB, or at least think you like? I have only heard PSB speakers a couple of times and I liked what I heard, but preferred some other options. I think that if you really like the sound of a speaker you will know pretty much right away. You could also take your speakers to the store for comparison.

Paradigm makes some monitors that are generally well received and are pretty small. Also, I really enjoy my Audioengine A5+ speakers and the would reduce your required equipment even more.since you just need a CD player or other source.
Thanks, Mceljo for the good reply.

My local audio store sends emails with various specials and audio events they hold, so that's how I learned about and started researching the PSBs. I purchased an NAD integrated amp from them 2 years ago. The PSBs are within the cost/size I would like, plus they offer in-wall selections, so that's what got me interested. Then I read where the PSBs had superb sound for the price, a sentiment which seems to be about as unanimous with the PSBs as with my ADS. And apparently they are neutral (like the ADS). I don't know if anyone sells Paradigm in my area for me to audition, but I could check. But my main concern is simply that I enjoy the sound at least equally to the ADS at the most reasonable cost. Since ADS is long gone, nobody ever compares the sound of the two speakers. Maybe I'll be the first, ha. But I thought I would see if anyone might be familiar with both before I took that step.

I did read about the Audioengine A5+ -- but I don't know if I want to give up my NAD for the amps in the Audioengine speakers. Though granted, the space saving would be nice. I pretty much use my Mac & PC as my audio sources now. (My NAD was an upgrade / downsize from my previous chunky A/V, so ... even if you're not crazy about NAD, it's way better than the Sony, plus it had the specific features I wanted).
It would seem that you are looking to find some speakers that provide very good bang for the buck, good on ya! The Andrew Jones designed Pioneers (Sp-Sb22) have gotten great reviews from all who have heard them.

The same goes for the Tekton speakers, their Mini Lore model is well-regarded. They are a bit higher priced than the Pioneers, $625/pr.

The Gallo Classico CL-2s are a bit higher priced still ($397 ea., but can be found here: for less), but they have the advantage of Gallo's fabulous CD3 tweeter.

Also, the Golden Ear Aon 2s are very well-designed and come with their well-regarded folded ribbon tweeter as well as a pair of passive radiators to augment lower bass response. $400 each.

There are *many* good speakers out there, hopefully this short list will give you a starting point...

Since you are lucky enough to have a local audio shop, you should be auditioning speakers. If the store carries the PSB speaker line, I suggest comparing the Alpha B1 to a PSB- Image B5 Bookshelf Speaker which is a step up, and has that warm and open PSB sound.
I will also add the Tekton Mini Lore as a highly regarded, "bang for the buck" speaker.