PSB or stick with vintage ADS

I currently have a vintage pair of great sounding (to me) ADS L470s. ADS has long been my favorite speaker (since the 80s) and I've simply never wanted to replace them. I briefly owned a larger floor-standing model and a smaller bookshelf as well. So 3 different pairs of ADS.

However, now I'm considering an in-house audition to compare some PSB Alpha B1s. I may also consider the in-wall PSB CW26s. This is simply due to space considerations - I just don't have a good location now for my speakers.

Now, clearly I'm not in the high-end audiophile range. I realize that. I'm unavoidably stuck in entry level, unfortunately. But has anyone who might be able to comment on both pairs of speakers have an opinion on whether the PSBs would be a suitable replacement for a loooong time ADS lover? I don't really want to bother bringing them home if they simply aren't at least as good. Both pair receive great respect in comments, but I never see them compared due to the fact the ADS are long gone as a company. Any mention of how good the ADS are is in the context of someone obtaining them for cheap through some acquisition. Ha.

I have read that speaker tech has come a long way over the years.

I did see the Image B5 as well, thanks, and will plan to audition them also. Unfortunately, none of the other brands are available through this store. He did mention something about Totems if I decided to go the in-wall route ... but I'm not sure if I want to go in that direction.
If the dealer carries Totem, check out the Mites and the Dreamcatcher bookshelf speakers. Terrific imaging and bass from such small speakers.
I would be careful about giving up on your ADS speakers. They are very good sounding, and while its true that there are very good sounding current offerings in this price range, I would be surprised if you are able to accomplish much more than a sideways move overall without moving up to the next price level. Some of those vintage speakers had a certain musicality and "right" quality that many current "more hi-fi" sounding speakers don't. For instance, the above mentioned Dreamcatchers which I have as part of their 5.1 system are good and as mentioned image very well, but sound uneven tonally and are dynamically constricted compared to your ADS which can really rock. Definitely try to compare before buying. Good luck.
I should add that my personal preference is Focal speakers and the Chorus V series speakers are being discounted heavily right now due to them being replaced by a new model. Music Direct has the 30 day return policy so that could be an option as well. The 705v, 706v (i bought a pair of these for my father-in-law), or the 806v are in or close to your price range. The 807v is a bit more, but also an excellent speaker.
While I don't currently own any, I have owned and greatly enjoyed several pairs of ADS speakers in the past. I've been actually considering going back to them. Criticisms against ADS are that they are not neutral but far too bright on the top end. However, I enjoyed the brightness as it gave life and air to many recordings and it did so without giving sizzle and harshness which too many bright speakers do. I suspect the PBS are more neutral and accurate overall.

However, based on what you've said, unless your 470s are worn out (it does happen because their woofers are paper/pulp and the foam surrounds deteriorate, etc) I think you're going to be disappointed with any replacement for a couple of reasons. 1) you like the voicing of ADS and no new speaker I'm aware of is voiced similarly. Right or wrong, the ADS voice is compelling. 2) While a new speaker may be more accurate or do some things better, any budget speaker requires compromises and so you'll be trading one set of compromises for another. 3) If you're having trouble placing your ADS speakers, you'll likely have trouble with new ones too.

In wall speakers solve some problems. Paradigm makes very nice in walls if you go up to their reference line. But, while they solve placement problems, mounting speakers in a wall also causes a few problems and so they should be considered a very large compromise for convenience over performance. I have Paradigms in one system currently and put them in our previous house so I can elaborate if needed.
