Coincident Pure Reference Extreme

Since introduced I have not heard too much about this speaker here. I know some folks say it's SOTA...but how does it compare to other speakers in that price range such as Wilson?
RWD, i heard the Coincident Pure Reference Extreme at the NY audio show last April. I wish you went.
The Coincident Pure Reference Extreme speakers were played on the top of the line Coincident tube amps and tube preamp.
If i remember correctly the CD player used was the TEAC Esoteric K-01
The speakers don't look as fancy as the Wilson speakers, but he Coincident Pure Reference Extreme sounded amazing.
The bass blended in so nicely to the mids.
The speakers sounded very silky and the bass was tight and upbeat.
I was at the NY show as well, and I thought the PRs were one of the best sounds I heard. Then again, I am partial to high-efficiency speakers combined with SET amps. There are many who favor the low-sensitivity high-power solid state systems who may prefer the Wilsons, or Magicos or Kharmas or....
The sound of he Coincident room at the NY Show was excellent. No complaints. And this is from a high powered tube amp/Wilson guy
Just looked at your system. Very very nice. If the system reflects your current taste, then you may still prefer Wilson/Audio Research and/or VTL.