Coincident Pure Reference Extreme

Since introduced I have not heard too much about this speaker here. I know some folks say it's SOTA...but how does it compare to other speakers in that price range such as Wilson?
I heard the Coincident room at the New York Audio Show and thought it was the second best room there. (The LessLoss room with Kaiser Kawero speakers was the best room, but the speakers were impractically big and a lot more expensive.) Coincident PRE are not "stunning" in an audiophile sense the way, for example, Raidho or Wilson speakers are. To me, those speakers sound impressive in the first few minutes and then have me reaching for Advil. To me the PRE sound very natural and provide an emotional connection to the music that set them apart. They are also much more extended and resolving than Audio Note and Spendor, for example. I would definitely go to hear them, but plan to spend a while listening, as their positive attributes only emerge after you have heard them for awhile.
"Then have me reaching for advil" beautifully said, I know all too well what you mean.
Your description/distinction of the contrast between the speakers you mention is on the mark in my opinion. Natural vs hifi two different routes for sure. Nice post.
I heard the Kaiser Kawero with the Concert Fidelity components at RMAF 2011 and it was stunningly good! Very natural presentation and realistic, similar to what Coincident sounds like with proper set up. These type of speakers are the antithesis of analytical, clinical and sterile yet offer superb resolution and exquisite nuance with the emotion left intact. Mcondon it seems our ears are pretty similar.
I just added a question on another thread "Vandersteens vs Sonus Faber Stradivarius Homage. Answer here or there. Sorry for the confusion.... :)

Accuracy and window to source=Vandersteen
Beauty with a bit of technicolor shading=Sonus Faber
I assume you are comparing Vandy 7s with Strads but my summary would apply across the board with Vandys and Sonus at similar price points. Vandy 7s have the extra benefit of a spectacular low end with a powered amp built in. Strads and most other stand alone speakers can't touch the Vandy low end slam.