Good speakers to be placed close to rear wall

I recently had to sell my genesis speakers. Soon, I will be able to buy new speakers (I hope very soon). Which speakers to buy? Because I have young children, I have to keep my speakers relatively close to the rear wall. Can anyone please recommend a good speakers given that limitation? My budget will be 3-5 k. Thank you in advance.
Audio note in particular. British speakers in general. Also, I have my Zu Def 4s close to a wall; while these are out of your price range, I suspect that other Zu speakers would work just as well.
That Harbeth recommendation is a good one. It also depends on the wall. My front Ported Harbeth C7es3's are 1.5 feet from an insulated interior wall. I did this myself and it mad a huge difference. If I had the money, I'd build a home with fully insulated walls, especially after my buddy Bimfy brought his girlfriend to the cottage way back when and ......