Speaker decision $3000-3500...help

I have been around auditioning speakers around the $3000-3500 mark.

I am looking for speakers that are musical, open, dynamic with a hint of warmth!
I listen to Soft Rock, Pop and some House/Dance music.
Mostly multi-track and digitally amplified stuff.

I have auditioned PSB, B&W, GoldenEar and Amphions.
I was most pleased with Amphion Helium 520s, since they are very engaging and natural sounding. Jack of all trades.

If you think there are other speakers for my preferences in the price range of 3000-3500, please guide me, i will audition them as well.

Otherwise i will pull the trigger on the Amphions and will need suggestions for Amplification for them. Budget would be $1500.

Please, any advice either on speakers or amplification would be appreciated.
Yes, electronics can make a difference, but every speaker has a house sound. My personal opinion is they are forward/bright speakers.
The Platinum speakers have one of the best 3 dimensional physical stages in their price range.

But most shops ( are F....idiots) and use 2 dimensional amps. This makes clear how low the knowledge and insight is.

I crush every speaker in their price range because I can build the widest and deepest stage with these speakers. Within this stage I can even create the sharpest intimate indivividual focus.

When I demo this, I can send people to all shops. Because they never can reach the same speed, timing, resolution, blacks, wide and deep stage and physical intimate image.

I sell a sound; this is a 3 dimensional extreme wide and deep stage. And within this stage a physical intimate stage. I use properties to create this.

This is a totally different way than others do. Other people do not have this level of insight to use tools just for their properties.

That is why it is so easy to win from other shops. Because the most convincing and involving sound Always will win. It is that simple!
"06-10-14: Ricred1
I've listened to Monitor Audio PL200s and PL300s. To my ears there are several speakers in their price range that are more balanced. They have a bright, forward sound to my ears."

Why do you think the speakers were at fault? You can't listen to just a pair of speakers. They have to be part of a system. The bright sound you experienced could have come from other component(s).
Zd542; I understand his remarks. Don't forget many demos are often very average or poor with many different brands.

Because many people who work in this busienss do not know a lot about properties. This happens all the time.

At shows the same kind of errors are made constantly.