What is the best planar or electrostatic speaker?

Hi All

I just wanted everyone to know that the new Flagship State of the Art BG Radia FS 880 Planar dipole speakers will be arriving soon in my listening room.

My 2 friends who are engineers and speaker builders helped build the prototypes which were the BG Radia LA 800's (in wall design) which were modified as dipoles. The system was tri - amped using the Pass Labs XVR1 Electronic crossover with goldpoint attenuators.

I sold them to make way for the new FS 880 model which looks different than the 800 protos. But does still have a total of 12 Neo 10's mids, 32 Neo 3 tweeters but differs vfrom the protos in that they have 4 woofers per side with the included 1200 watt amps.

Please check out Dr. Sakakini's You Tube video key words:

BG Radia Dipole 800/FS880 prototypes
For what it's worth:
Faxer, the person who started this thread, appears to be the same person (searay328@msn.com) who posted this on Audio Asylum and had it promptly moved to Whiner's Woad. I'm surprised the thread remains at all.
@Essentialaudio- Thx for posting, for a minute there I thought my BS detector had registered a false positive ;-)
My vote is for Soundlab;I feel the manufacture the best electrostatic speaker and are made in the USA.