"But if you've read my post carefully, I stated that this speaker is doing 90% (IMHO) Ideal to me."
That was precisely my point. We know why the Merlins are ideal to you from your review, but it didn't provide the rest of us with anything useful to go on since we are not you. And since you evaluated several well-regarded speakers I just wanted to share that it would be most helpful to hear what your impressions were of those other speakers relative to the TSMs. Thank you for providing your findings of the TSMs vs. the Pulsars. Frankly I found that more helpful than the rest of your review because I'm considering them and now have another point of reference and something to listen for. I would note, however, that the regions you experienced issues with the Pulsars could very well be room and/or system related. And since the Pulsars likely go quite a bit lower than the TSMs (I'm just guessing here) that could be an issue. Regardless, your impressions are helpful and something I will listen for as I audition going forward. I'm sure if you provided similar findings regarding some of the other speakers it would be very useful to others as well. Again, congrats on finding "the one," and enjoy.
That was precisely my point. We know why the Merlins are ideal to you from your review, but it didn't provide the rest of us with anything useful to go on since we are not you. And since you evaluated several well-regarded speakers I just wanted to share that it would be most helpful to hear what your impressions were of those other speakers relative to the TSMs. Thank you for providing your findings of the TSMs vs. the Pulsars. Frankly I found that more helpful than the rest of your review because I'm considering them and now have another point of reference and something to listen for. I would note, however, that the regions you experienced issues with the Pulsars could very well be room and/or system related. And since the Pulsars likely go quite a bit lower than the TSMs (I'm just guessing here) that could be an issue. Regardless, your impressions are helpful and something I will listen for as I audition going forward. I'm sure if you provided similar findings regarding some of the other speakers it would be very useful to others as well. Again, congrats on finding "the one," and enjoy.