The Tannoy Speaker Line - worth a serious look ?

......they have been around a long time.....they do have a following and if they have been around THIS long, they have to be doing something right. I have been reading some reviews on the Tannoy DC10A's.... So, any imput would be appreacited, how are the US dealers, how are repairs handled, are they ones that I could live with a long time.... Your thoughts
Well of course they are worthy of consideration. I have a pair of one of Tannoys worst speakers the 1980s DC2000 which have the coaxial later gold series driver. I have not resold them for a variety of reasons but mainly believe or not because I don't want to foist this terrible sounding speaker on anyone else.
That said I think they are the exception and not the rule. If their rolled off treble and muffled bass articulation are even carried by any of their other products then forget them, but I find it hard to believe Tannoy doesn't deserve the mountains of praise that's been heaped on them over the years.
Tannoy Dealer Disclaimer****

The Definition Series speakers (along with the Prestige Series) are NOT made in China.

The new DC10a is a very good speaker. Very, very similar to the Kensington SE in a more modern style cabinet. It's a pretty speaker to look at, and sounds great.
Not really, as for the sound they produce, they are not a good value. My first speaker was a Tannoy, and it did sound great. Fast forward fifty years and technology has passed Tannoy by in many ways. I do return to listening to Tannoy's from time to time, hoping they have recaptured their past glory, but so far, no. As for the China thing, its the sound thing, not their country of origin. If you believe otherwise, 90% of hi end equipment would be trash.
''As for the China thing, its the sound thing, not their country of origin. If you believe otherwise, 90% of hi end equipment would be trash.''
Not sure what this means Mr. Buconero - please elaborate