Vandy or Maggy?

What would sound better in a medium sized room with Symphonic
Music, current model Vandy 2's or Maggy 1,7's?
I have a AVA Synergy 450 Amp which has tuneful base and can drive either well.
I've owned Maggy 1.4's , my knock on them was they were not very dynamic and didn't portray depth well, but it was easy to follow the various lines and instruments.
I've heard Vandys but not much and was a long time ago.
Any and all ideas much appreciated !
Thanks Map.I've owned 4 sets of Maggies, I'm a master of Maggy set-up if I do say so myself .
Maggies failure in Classical, IMHO, is the lack of dynamic range.
You have answered yourself a few times in your posts I think. Sounds like you have had Maggies and are sick of it's drawbacks. No way you can make a Maggie be more dynamic in your price range. I'd get a pair of Vandy's in your room if you have a local dealer. When set up properly (the latest gen) the vandy's will sing. I'm a Proac guy and am now selling everything I own off just to get the Vandy Treo's. That's how much I fell in love with the musical Vandy's and what else it give me. That's just me. I've heard the 2's sound great with Quicksilver tubes as well as Ayre SS or Rogue. Can't go wrong with either, but if you want Dynamics and listen to Classical, then it's Vandy I would think

01-13-14: Ctsooner
You have answered yourself a few times in your posts I think. Sounds like you have had Maggies and are sick of it's drawbacks. No way you can make a Maggie be more dynamic in your price range.
I think the Maggie 1.7s finally blew threw most of the Maggie stereotypes. True, there still isn't much bass below 50 Hz, but the quality of the bass is excellent and I already had a pair of small, fast subs to fill out the bass. Unlike Maggies' previous reputation I find the 1.7s involving, transparent, extremely quiet (I didn't know how much cabinet noise there was until I got some speakers without cabinets), quick, dimensional, and phase coherent.

They also aren't hard to power to satisfying listening levels. I'm powering them with a 100 wpc amp in a vaulted ceiling living rooom that opens onto the front hall and dining areas. In fairness, the amp is a Perreaux PMF 1150B, so it has probably 200 wpc avaiable into the 1.7's 4-ohm load. I haven't had to drive the amp anywhere near that level.

Although I love what they do with symphonic music, I also love them for choral music, jazz-based singers (Sinatra, Bennett, Krall, Holly Cole, etc.) a capella vocal groups, soloists and ensembles/combos of all sizes. They are captivating on classic rock--Pink Floyd, The Who, Beatles, Steely Dan, Rod Stewart, Clapton, Santana, etc. With my little subs blended in, the 1.7s do very well on every kind of music that I like, and I listen to everything but hip hop and thrash metal.
Schubert, The answers you have gotten so far lead to the answer you always get when asking such a question. You must audition the speakers. I know you are serious about your music. Its worth the hassle to get speakers that will satisfy.
Would you buy a house without an inspection or a car without a test drive?

All that said, you know I am a classical guy and a die hard Maggie guy. I am in agreement with Johnny that the .7 series have taken a leap forward. The series crossover is much better, and the all quasi ribbon 1.7 has got to get you much better coherence. I haven't heard the Vandy IIs in a long time. but the congestion when the music went ff or fff was a show stopper for me.
What is a tuneful base? Is this something the amplifer perches upon? Does it enhance the music?

Vandersteen and Magnepan are two very different sounds. One is laid back and forgiving and isn't fussy about placement or ancillary equipment. The other one is more transparent and lively, but requires more from the owner.

I'll let you guess which is which.
