Vandy or Maggy?

What would sound better in a medium sized room with Symphonic
Music, current model Vandy 2's or Maggy 1,7's?
I have a AVA Synergy 450 Amp which has tuneful base and can drive either well.
I've owned Maggy 1.4's , my knock on them was they were not very dynamic and didn't portray depth well, but it was easy to follow the various lines and instruments.
I've heard Vandys but not much and was a long time ago.
Any and all ideas much appreciated !
Well I know i'm not buying anything with China made drivers
like my my old standby brands such as KEF or PSB etc etc no matter how great the "reviews" are. And its not a matter of patrotism either.

Totem and Dyna both use Euro drivers.Only Dyna I ever owned was an Audience 42 which was musical.
Totem seems at a price advantage with the Canadian dollar at 95 cents vs the Euro pushing $1.40 .
No doubt higher quality drivers made under tight tolerance and high quality standards will get you further, pound per pound, wherever they happen to be made. They will also tend to cost a tad more accordingly. That's a big reason I consider Dynaudio a gold standard brand in audio. Totem is similar TTBOMK. One might take to the sound of something else better, but the quality behind the sound is undeniable.
You won't go wrong with most of the suggestions. I only worry about having to integrate a sub with a speaker. You have to use other tools etc... and at that point, I would think getting a full range speaker (or close to it) would be the best choice for you. Less complicated usually works best and that includes more cables etc... i have liked teh Totems I've heard also, but my ear just keeps taking me back to the 'feeling' I get listening to the Vandys. Richard has his tradeoffs when he designs a speaker as all do. For me it's about listening to music and not always critically. I need piano and voice to be natural, while others need bass to be there and dont' care about how controlled it is etc... I also have to have soundstaging as I'm spoiled by my Proacs over the years. Vandy at the various price points will hit these marks (for me) as long as they are with proper amplification (not difficultto drive) and set up correctly (like any system).

Maggies are beautiful, but for me they just don't go low enough, but that's me. If you need fuller range, i'd stick to one that will deliver. List in order the 5 most important traits in a speaker and then go listen and mark down your notes. What speaker has the fewest trade offs. You can listen to us all espouse OUR favorites, but most of us are just telling you how great our ears are and how awesome OUR systems are.

That's not what you should go by. It's your ear and a lot of money. This year is the first time in over 30 years that I"ve sold my systems (three of them) off as I finally wanted new stuff (needed to leave the tube realm and go to remotes too). I have always listened and chosen wisely (for my ear). I listen to others, but make my own decisions and that includes listening to John at Audio Connections, but NOT getting something only because HE likes it. That's why stores have a few lines in each category....I will admit that so far John has been DEAD ON in hearing what I wanted and putting it together. That's rare for me as my old friend in RI, who's store is closed was the only other one who could do that for me. Go to a few places and listen and take notes. IN the end, it's fun and you'll be happy you did. Sorry to go on....