"Coupled with a crossover designed specifically for bi-wiring. . ."Very good point, Kjweisner, and as I said, just having multiple connections does not mean this is true. There are some, like Vandersteen, that specifically design for bi-wire, some that do single wire connections only, and others that just include the extra connections.
Nevertheless, as in many cases, Al's answer is the best.
You just have to try it, and see what it does for you, but don't get caught up in to thinking a difference is better as I did. Initially, I was on board with it, however, for some reason, always had the desire to make a change. I tried to supress this feeling, thinking it was just "wanting to upgrade" and then I came across this article.
It described exactly what I was hearing, so I changed to single wire with jumpers of the same wire and was much happier.