B&W ASW800 or SVS SB-1000??

Hi everyone,

I'm in the market for a sub, and had almost settled on an SVS SB-1000 ($499), but my local shop has a used B&W ASW800 for $450. Am I better off sticking with the new SVS, or would the B&W provide more value?

I'm looking for a "musical" sub, and don't do a lot of HT. Just looking for some input from people who actually know what they're talking about (I don't fit into that category, unfortunately...)

Thanks in advance.

Not familiar with SVS subs...however my experience with B&W subs has been very positive....and this model was designed to match with Nautilus level speakers...so if you are looking for a "musical" sub look no further...remember...dealers typically take %25-%33
on trades or consignment pieces...might be some wiggle room...
Well, apparently, they mis-labeled the unit, and it's a B&W 800ASW, not an ASW 800. Why B&W made two units with such similar model numbers is beyond me. Anyone know if the 800ASW is comparable to the ASW800? I think it's a bit older, and may not be worth as much as they're asking.
That model is close to 20 years old...and subs have come a long way since then...regardless of the performance during its heyday...I would be hard pressed to spend near $500 on a 20 year old product that obviously has no warranty...

Dates of manufacture & original retail price,

800ASW - 1995-1998 - $1600

ASW800 - 2003-2004 - $2200

You can find more info here,

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