JBL L100s - Power?

What do you recommend as a good - and reasonably priced - amp or integrated amp option for my JBL L100s?

To all the NAD supporters: With all due respect, all of that is bs. The stuff is unreliable. Not all of it, mind you, but there's a significant number pf units that are. Look it up in google. Type in "NAD Reliability problems"

Audiolabryinth: Sounds like a good choice.
Thankyou Dave_72, were not talking about some esoteric JBl speakers here, The krell Kav 300I would be awsome, and as far as power, Ralph said 60 watts per channel is fine, maybe, nothing wrong with head-room in the power, turn your knob up to where you are comfortable with, at lower volumes, the speakers love the power head-room, sounds full at lowest listening levels, and if you mate this intergrated to some 10 gauge speaker cables, well then, you are in for a treat!
After 5 NAD units ,all of which were unreliable, I gave up on them.
I'm a slow learner.
You're welcome Audiolabryinth. I take it that's an older Krell unit. I like the old Krell better than the new, and I believe many audiophiles do as well.
this is the second thread I have seen this happen today!, funny, very funny!, where is the op?, all of you here gave your opinions like me for nothing!