I am certainly no expert in the functioning of the BAM module but from what I was reading on Bobby's website I don't know why it would pose any particular challenges for integrating a sub into your system, and it may make it easier for all I know.
Here's how I used to integrate a Canton Ergo sub (now called the Sub 650 in the Canton line) into my system, and it's all done by ear. There are three knobs you'll fiddle with: (1) phase, (2) crossover point, and (3) volume.
1. Play some music that has some bass in it and adjust the phase until it provides the strongest bass.
2. Adjust the crossover point until you like where the sub kicks in. If the crossover point is too high, for example around 50Hz was too high for me, then the sub will kick in at too high a frequency, at least for my liking.
3. Once you start to home in on the crossover frequency that you like then increase or decrease the volume according to your tastes.
The Ergo sub had 45Hz as its lowest crossover point I believe, which was enough for me. I auditioned a smaller sub that had a 50Hz minimum crossover point but that was too high. The 45Hz minimum crossover point was always adequate for my needs though.
By adjusting the sub crossover point and the volume I was able to get the sub to provide a fullness of sound at lower volume but without calling undue attention to itself. I also liked the Canton sub because it was fast, certainly faster than the sub on our home theater system.
I don't know why the BAM module would alter that procedure, but if it did I'm sure Bobby P. would let us know and I would certainly heed his advice.
I am certainly no expert in the functioning of the BAM module but from what I was reading on Bobby's website I don't know why it would pose any particular challenges for integrating a sub into your system, and it may make it easier for all I know.
Here's how I used to integrate a Canton Ergo sub (now called the Sub 650 in the Canton line) into my system, and it's all done by ear. There are three knobs you'll fiddle with: (1) phase, (2) crossover point, and (3) volume.
1. Play some music that has some bass in it and adjust the phase until it provides the strongest bass.
2. Adjust the crossover point until you like where the sub kicks in. If the crossover point is too high, for example around 50Hz was too high for me, then the sub will kick in at too high a frequency, at least for my liking.
3. Once you start to home in on the crossover frequency that you like then increase or decrease the volume according to your tastes.
The Ergo sub had 45Hz as its lowest crossover point I believe, which was enough for me. I auditioned a smaller sub that had a 50Hz minimum crossover point but that was too high. The 45Hz minimum crossover point was always adequate for my needs though.
By adjusting the sub crossover point and the volume I was able to get the sub to provide a fullness of sound at lower volume but without calling undue attention to itself. I also liked the Canton sub because it was fast, certainly faster than the sub on our home theater system.
I don't know why the BAM module would alter that procedure, but if it did I'm sure Bobby P. would let us know and I would certainly heed his advice.