In a second system, I have Merlin TSM-MME monitors placed 4 inches off the front wall (on their side in a wall unit, no less), combined with a modest 10-in. sealed cab subwoofer (Von Schweikert), EQ-ed in at 50 Hz. Powered by a Manley Stingray II integrated, they produce satisfying music, even in this severely compromised arrangement.
I don't get all the 3D effects that placement farther from the wall would allow, but imaging is still adequate and tone and timbre, etc. are quite good. These speakers integrate easily with the sub because they're not ported, giving them a gradual roll-off. I listen to a lot of jazz. Acoustic bass is visceral, solid, and tonally rich.
For the past 6 weeks my main system (which costs many multiples of this second system) has been packed up because I'm remodeling a whole floor of my house. I listen to music much of the day because I work at home, so I'm spending *a lot* more time with this Merlin system than ever before. I'm loving it. Though compromised by placement, etc., it's been a real pleasure and does some things my big rig doesn't.
You're in suboptimal circumstances for sound, and whatever speakers you choose will be hindered. But that doesn't mean you're doomed to lousy sound. Buying used, you could find the Merlins TSM and a good, small sub (go for non-ported) for less than your $3K budget with some patience. Worth considering. Good luck!