Need suggestions on bookshelf speaker upgrades

I have the delco 65 recv with 2 lsa statement speakers...looking to keep this recv...and sell the ref speakers for better bookshelves..i am looking for a sound experience that makes it seem like im in a live concert..imaging crucial
S'cool. Wish you the best of luck in the future..particularly since it looks like you didn't get the fair shake (for whatever reason) I would think you deserved.

It's all good John. Sorry bout my post. I don't know why, but that's the first bad experience I've ever had with a dealer or company in audio ever. Crazy as that seems, As long as you got what you paid for and expected, it's all good. I really like these forums. Since I'm so opinionated, I probably piss plenty of folks off in my posts, lol. It comes experience I guess, lol.
So did you ever get the Vapors? What are your thoughts? there are a ton of speakers using the RAAL tweeter and the accuton mid/sub's. So far, I haven't heard any of them integrated that well. They have all been say too analytical for me. Just not music like what I hear live. Even some of the esoteric stuff I've heard haven't done of for me, but that's just me.

NY, if you got them, what are you running them with? What's the rest of the system you ended up with? Thanks..looking forward to hearing from you.
Wow, that right there caused me to not support Wavetouch. Just my 2 cents, just my oppinion. Thats too bad.

Cstooner, well said.

I've liked everything from Vapor Audio I heard, and Spendors and Harbeths are supposed to be good also. Add pro ac to the list too.

Just picked up some Paradigm Sig 2's V.3 with Berrylium tweeters and i'm really liking what I'm hearing :)

Was looking at the Ref. De Capos with beryllium tweets also...