Condition of speakers

Has anyone ever bought a pair of monitors on this site in "mint" condition, but when you get them, the bottoms are all scratched up? Do you even care? Nothing makes me more mad ..and I have learned to ask to see pics of the bottom of the speakers before buying. I don't understand how hard it is to lift the speaker up before you put them on the stands and move them around. Especially when there are spikes on the top plate. Or better yet, use some kind of padding in between. I have received speakers in the past that look like the person was chewing on the bottom of the speakers with their teeth it was so bad. Or it looked like the speakers were dragged around on concrete. The worst thing is when you message the person about the bottoms, and they say "who cares, you don't see it". Anyone ever have this issue?
The seller misrepresented the speakers. Audiogon's definition of 10/10 Mints is as follows:

Speaker grilles should have absolutely no pulls or discoloration. The bottoms of speakers should not show signs of stand mounting or floor scrapes.
I think it's almost impossible to use stand mounted speakers, (on stands) without marring the bottoms a little. I agree it should have been disclosed in the ad, but it wouldn't be a deal breaker for me unless they had very deep gouges and/or severe damage to them.

I've even seen speakers that were put on shelves where the paint from the shelf rubbed off on the bottoms.
I would agree a "mint" 10/10 rating speaker should be perfect on all sides. I guess it must just be a personal thing to have an unmarred bottom. I could care less as long as the remaining sides are presentable.
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