All In One CD Player and Speakers

Wife has a birthday coming up. Would like to get her something to sit on the kitchen counter that plays CDs and has good sound but not a boom box. We have a Tivolio radio and she likes the retro look of that--they made what I am describing but the reviews on SQ are not so good. If it had the ability to stream or play digital files that would be OK but not necessary. She just wants to drop a CD in while she is cooking without having to fire up my rig. The idea of her not firing up my rig appeals so help me out here folks!


My son's JVC mini with separate bi wired speakers sounds fantastic.

Good luck finding one.

Well, maybe this could work,

What Hi Fi felt this bettered the Technics in overall sound and if you don’t mind the separate speakers, this may be all you need. You can get it for around $500. Their other alternative was the Naim Mu-So, which is a lot more and doesn’t play CDs.

I see DeKay beat me to it but I'll leave this up for reference.

All the best,

Since you are willing to go with one box + speakers look into Denon's line of mini systems.

Used to be that Yamaha, Nakamichi and Denon made the best, but now only Denon still makes them.

The Denon's recently went to backorder status @ the big online retailers, but maybe you can find one for sale.


I recently got my wife a really nice CD Sony boombox, like stated above, from Amazon. Under a hundred bucks. Sounds perfect for what it is.

Thanks everyone for the suggestions. I really dislike anything automated, streaming, etc. so unlike most folks am ACTUALLY looking for something that  plays CDs and makes them sound pretty good. A radio is unimportant since there are few stations with a signal we can pull in where we are living. Honestly, just a nice CD player with good quality speakers that doesn't look or sound like a cheap plastic boom box is what I am after. Maybe it doesn't exist in the 21st century--which is why I'm a fish out of water in this digitized world we occupy.

I would not buy anything remotely expensive, as it will become coated with cooking grease. I would just get a cheap boom box player from Amazon 

Try to find a NIB Bose Wave

Please don't, they are awful. My father had the large double stack one and some music was unintelligible. They lack a full frequency range so some music is missing so much information it is unlistenable. Buy the 99 buck system at Walmat and add two bookshelf speakers, 1000 % better. 

Try to find a NIB Bose Wave (fine for a kitchen/what you describe).

If you can go with small mini and/or flat wall speakers then look for a low mileage Linn Classik.



We specialize in these types of devices and systems 


the reality is all of these small modern loudspeakers employ blue tooth or wifi streaming.

You have a number of options depending on price, features and sound quality

option Naim muso qb $1200 larger better mus0 1800

dali katch small Bluetooth speaker single or stereo pair $500.00 each


Nad pulse21 699 a compact streaming speaker good sound not as good as he Naim products but can be integrated with alexia

Dave and Troy

Audio Intellect NJ

Naim daii and Nad dealers

You want to risk umami sauce on yer CDs?

You could play lossless files over powered speakers but you’d have to purchase separately.

CDs are for archiving and play on the A system - new cars won’t even play them.

The kitchen is a poor room for "good sound" at any price.

The Bose at $500 is pretty useless without the tiny, easily lost remote My B.I.L. has one. The dog ate the remote.

Technics SC-C70MK2 is unavailable from what I see.

You don’t want to pay a ransom for a radio. Unless you do.

Besides a small box with 2 speakers isn't real stereo.

Good luck with that.

If all you want is CD and radio, the Meridian Ferrari (F80) is the best SQ.

I got mine for $1K. So, this guy should take around $1200.


I haven't heard this for myself but Technics has the SC-C70MK2 which might fit your bill.

Here's their website, and here's a review.
Good luck in your search

All the best,

Post removed 

I'm not really up to speed on the new stuff but what you want is a bluetooth radio and you can stream music from your playlist, pandora, or any radio station in the world. Amazon has a ton of them. You don't want to juggle CDs while you are in the kitchen.