Condition of speakers

Has anyone ever bought a pair of monitors on this site in "mint" condition, but when you get them, the bottoms are all scratched up? Do you even care? Nothing makes me more mad ..and I have learned to ask to see pics of the bottom of the speakers before buying. I don't understand how hard it is to lift the speaker up before you put them on the stands and move them around. Especially when there are spikes on the top plate. Or better yet, use some kind of padding in between. I have received speakers in the past that look like the person was chewing on the bottom of the speakers with their teeth it was so bad. Or it looked like the speakers were dragged around on concrete. The worst thing is when you message the person about the bottoms, and they say "who cares, you don't see it". Anyone ever have this issue?
I can truly say I bought a pair of mint AP Steps here as described by the seller and Audiogon 10/10 rules.
A pair of AR 7's where the vinyl was in such good condition I could have thought it was veneer!



Sorry for your misfortune, however you can't assume everyone thinks like you, or lives by your standards. I'm sure that every seller does not look at Audiogon's grading scale before listing a product. This would result in different ratings from different people for a product in the same condition, not to mention that some stretch the truth, and others are more conservative.

IMHO, when you buy something, it is your responsibility to know exactly what you are getting, even if it means being "picky". If you think the seller lied or misrepresented, then start a dispute through Audiogon, otherwise, just move on, let it go, and chalk it up as a learning experience.

Though hard to do, I force myself to think about this old saying at times,

"Problems have only the size and weight that we give them."

Hope you have better luck in future transactions.
Souljasmooth,No you are not being too picky. I have mounted bookshelf speakers horizontally on stands and it would piss me off if the bottoms were damaged.
Mr. Mofimadness...really? You sure?

I've used/owned several diff stand-mounts over three decades and never have I even marred the bottoms.

Blu-tack does the trick.