Talkin' 'bout my De Capo's

Hey, Gang,
I am not shilling for Reference 3A here. I just want to share my happiness with my Reference 3A De Capo's. Mine came as the De Capo i/A: they have the cherry veneer cabinets and the main driver has the Surreal Acoustic Lens. I later installed the beryllium tweeter so, minus the Nextel finish, they are now the equivalent of the currently shipping De Capo BE.
As was the case with the Dulcets I owned before moving up the line, I am regularly struck by just how fine they really are. I've been promising myself to write a full review (as I did for the Dulcets) but just haven't had the time. But if you're considering spending around $3000 on a pair of stand mount speakers, these are really worth considering. I enjoy mine immensely.
Hi Rebbi

I too find these speakers VERY special. Having the opportunity to listen to many speakers and systems over the years regardless of price the Decapos offer a really big slice of the full spectrum of music in a compact, affordable package. Superb balance and frequency extension with excellent imaging and great soundstaging and my favorite part of what they do SO well is communicate the music with out bringing attention to the speaker which IME many speakers just don't do over extended listening. This speaker comes close to a "speaker for everyman" along with the Vandy 2 series, great value and the real deal.
No doubt, the de Capos are hard to live without...A true conveyor of music with few faults. After owning three different pairs and moving "up" a bit in the Reference 3A line to the 3A Episodes, I still miss my De Capos and I love my Episodes!
I have the non-beryllium de Capo i's. And here's the crazy thing: I love them BUT I'm considering the Harbeth 7es3 or the HL5.

And yet there's absolutely nothing deficient with my de Capo's. They're beautifully neutral with just a tad on the warm side; they project depth and breadth with startling degree; they reveal faults in any components. They look gorgeous in that (sadly departed) cherry veneer, and they fill my little room with three dimensional music. They are, along with my Maggie 3.6R's, the best speakers I've ever owned in a long line including Focals, Triangles, Totems, and even Sonus Faber.

Now I'm not so sure I need to replace them at all...
Well the Harbeth's are very nice speakers Simao, musical in their own right. You may or may not agree with their presentation. I would certainly listen to them before committing on changing unless for change sake, we are after all audiophiles not "everyman" :)