Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD

Hi All.

Putting together a reference level system.
My Source is predominantly standard 16/44 played from a MacMini using iTunes and Amarra. Some of my music is purchased from iTunes and the rest is ripped from standard CD's.
For my tastes in music, my high def catalogues are still limited; so Redbook 16/44 will be my primary source for quite some time.

I'm not spending DCS or MSB money. But $15-20k retail is not out of the question.

Upsampling vs non-upsampling?
USB input vs SPDIF?

All opinions welcome.

And I know I need to hear them, but getting these ultra $$$ DAC's into your house for an audition ain't easy.

Looking for musical, emotional, engaging, accurate , with great dimension. Not looking for analytical and sterile.
The crazy thing is that the cell-phone is probably responsible for at least 90% of the idling cars in the US today. It never used to be this way. People are just on auto-pilot. They get in their cars, start them up and then proceed to sit there for 15 or 20 minutes looking at their cell-phones or talking on them. Ridiculous, wasteful and hazardous to the earth IMO. Americans (US) are the most wasteful people I have seen on the face of the earth. Sometimes I am ashamed to counted among them.

I practice what I preach too. I don't start my car until I have my seat-belt buckled and everyone is in the car with their belts buckled and I am ready to drive. I am also looking to get an electric car. This will make a significant difference in my carbon fooprint. The majority of the power here is hydroelectric.

Steve N.

Steve N.
Yes, I agree with steve!, here in Mobile,Al, 3-6-15 who would ever believe we have a hard freeze right now, man, this is the gulf coast, it's fricken 30 degrees out side this morning, what I am saying here, this kind of weather is gone by end of january!
Interesting thread turn, but worth it for sure. Yes we all need to do our part. The sad thing is that greed from big oil as well as the car manufacturers not named Tesla are giving us what they tell us we want. They just block the infrastructure to build out charging superstations for all electric cars. There could be a standard and it would benefit all. They are close to having the ability to have a 90% charge in only ten minutes or less. They can do a 3 minute full batter pack change if there were standards. I'm a retired Navy Commander. I drove ships around the world in the 80/90's and knew many of the weather guesser's as well as many NASA guys. They all complained back then about these problems. My buddy Al predicted this problem in the 21st century and he was correct. Yes, if everyone started to do their part and each person got ONE other to do the same, it would start to make a difference within a few years. Too bad the word 'GREEN' is misused and hidden behind by so many.
Having been trained and employed as a scientist, my perception of science is that it is almost more about process than achieving some permanent end-state of knowledge. Disagreement and debate and a search for alternative explanations for available data are key to that process. When socio-political agendas stifle the debate and marginalize dissenters, the process becomes perverted and is fodder for the propanda machine. Let’s not forget the Nazis used "science" to justify and drive their social agenda. This is what I refer to as Kool-aid.

With respect to climate change (conveniently enough, no longer referred to as “global warming”):
- It isn’t new. (Is there a possibility what we are experiencing is within normal variation over a much longer time-frame?).
- It does not take “geologic” ages to be manifest.
- CO2 levels have varied cyclically over hundreds of thousands of years though reported industrial era levels are much higher than long term historical highs.

For those who believe our 100-120 year history of industrialization with attendant rise in CO2 levels is the cause of current climate change, this is definitely the 97% majority position. Visit the NASA site - they’ll tell you. I guess funding sources have never influenced agency views. Regardless, last I knew, science isn’t based on a popularity contest or poll numbers. There are a tiny minority of professional organizations and individual scientists who remain skeptical or at least take a more moderate position on the current “climate change gospel”. Suspect their agendas and motives just as much as those of the majority view-holders. Information at the links below might be of interest.



