Your favorite musical non fatiguing speakers?

I've been auditioning speakers in the $5k to $8k range. I liked some of the Dynaudio, Sonus Faber, and even B&Ws in that range. Maybe it was the setup but in the back of my mind thought all of these could sound exciting but also fatiguing long term. And I'd hate to spend that kind of doe with that being the case.

I'm looking to use a solid state Cary amp and the tubed Cary SLP 05 pre for electronics FWIW.

From other threads I'm hearing Proacs Joseph Audio Aerials Harbeth and others may fit the bill. What are your favorite speakers for musicality and lack of listening fatigue? I'll be traveling to the next state to audition more next week.
Actually the sales manager at Cary Audio recommended Dynaudio, Proac, Magnepan, and a few others (can't believe I wasn't taking notes!!).
Human voice is excellent test material for good sound in that we are inherently best equipped by nature to be able to recognize the sound of teh human voice more so than most anything else, plus the human voice can cover a broader range of frequencies more completely than most any other (man made) instrument.
I am going to put in another vote for Magnapan's, and I would also mention Harbeth's. Both very non-fatiguing sound!
Musical = Live music. To me, the most musical are those which reproduce the sound of live music. Pretty subjective, I guess. I don't worry too much about listener fatigue because (again for me) there are lots of supposedly high end speakers which "mute" the sound (especially on the higher frequencies) and no longer retain the characteristics of live music. Guess there's a happy medium. Cheers....