Your favorite musical non fatiguing speakers?

I've been auditioning speakers in the $5k to $8k range. I liked some of the Dynaudio, Sonus Faber, and even B&Ws in that range. Maybe it was the setup but in the back of my mind thought all of these could sound exciting but also fatiguing long term. And I'd hate to spend that kind of doe with that being the case.

I'm looking to use a solid state Cary amp and the tubed Cary SLP 05 pre for electronics FWIW.

From other threads I'm hearing Proacs Joseph Audio Aerials Harbeth and others may fit the bill. What are your favorite speakers for musicality and lack of listening fatigue? I'll be traveling to the next state to audition more next week.
non fatiguing smooth sounding speakers might be boring after several minutes of listening.
KeithTexas - That's a good analysis of my situation. Also the fact that we're living temporarily in a town home instead of the large SF homes we've always had has a lot to do with it.

But more than anything the prospect of having to start from scratch building an optimal system with synergistic amps, preamps, speakers, interconnects, source, DACs, etc. was just way more than I have time to take on. Especially now that dealers are far and few between, and ones that let you audition gear in your home like in the old days have almost ceased to exist.

As Bjesion said I decided to figure out the electronics and DRASTICALLY simplify the system and process. Either getting active speakers and a DAC or all in one electronics.

I went with the Wadia Intuition which combines DAC, preamp and 190W amp. Sounds amazing, weights 17 lbs and I can carry it under my arm to show rooms to audition speakers. My entire big rig reference electronics gear fitting under my arm? Yes - this is EXACTLY what I was after.

Now the only system matching is between the Wadia and speakers. A much simpler, more rewarding and enjoyable process for sure.
I know this is off topic, but there's a Nuforce Nuprime hitting the market which is similar in functionality - and early reports say it sounds great. Instead of $7500 like the Wadia it's coming in at $2300. I doubt the sound is reference quality like the W Intuition, but given it's from Nuforce it could be expected to way out perform it's price.
Larry, I've been reading of your dilemma, If you are still seeking speaker cable suggestions, I recommended Tempo Electric solid core silver in Teflon tubing. I replaced Auditorium A-23 cables with them, and I'm very satisfied with them.

I was able to buy a set for each amplifier at their oh-so-reasonable prices. They are working well with both amps, an SET 300B, and First Watt M2, driving my custom Tannoy HPD 315's.

On another subject, a friend in Oregon replaced his Veritys with large Ushers, which are a marked imporovement in his room. Also, try and listen to some Tannoys, I can't give them enough praise.

Finally, many of the posts on this thread were very amusing and entertaining, nicely done, fellows!
