Tidal Piano Cera or Magico S3

Since two weeks Iown a pair of pair of Tidal Piano Cera and I really enjoy those speakers. A friend came to listen them and he is liking them too in my system (Linn KDS/1 + darTZeel CTH-8550);
He told me that he is wishing to buy new speakers, at first glance he is thinking to try Magico S3 but he could listen to them only in a few weeks.
It seems that in North America Tidal Piano Cera and Magico S3 are about the same price (here in Europe Magico are much more expensive)
Is someone knowing those two pairs of speakers and help to compare them.
Thank for advices
No, it just goes to show that some people do not recognized distortion when they hear it.
Have a look at their measurement on the German magazine Stereoplay. The distortion measurements at levels above 90 dB were pretty bad, and almost 15 dB (!!) worse than the Magico S5 recently tested by same magazine. But if you don’t hear it, good for you. I sure did.
Audiooracle, have you compared the Blade to the S3 in the same system? The S3 is very new and not many people have heard it yet? I'm also wondering if you are a KEF dealer. The OP was not asking about KEF speakers and you jumped right in in the first post to suggest he listen to KEF.
It's ironic that a speaker that wasn't asked about in the original post is brought up by someone who not coincidentally happens to sell it, followed by several people replying that they have heard that speaker against the other two asked about and generally do not care much for it. Bitter pill to swallow, eh, audiodoctorcom?
Now that you mention it, Audiooracle, I have heard the KEF Blade. I was
underwhelmed and left wondering what all the fuss is about.

Audiooracle should disclose his KEF dealer status.
Can we stay with OP question, Audiooracle is a KEF dealer, so lets move on. I also would like to hearabout from those who compared Tidal piano with S3, or Marten with S3, S5.