Revel F52 Speaker cable suggestions?

Wondering what you Revel owners (In particular the F52) are using for speaker cables? I am interested in all configurations...single wire & jumpers...biwire etc.

I have tried several jumpers with one set of speaker cables, and all made a sonic difference, some better some worse. I tried main speaker cables in the mid/hi binding posts jumping to the bass and vise versa. Also tried vertical jumping. Now am using loaner biwire cables and like them the best (I think) so far, but they are breaking in and the bass is a tad lagging at times behind the mids & highs, so hard to tell yet, just what they will offer in the end.

Anybody out there find a great combo of speaker cables & configurations that work well with Revels?
The Cable Company keeps track of what cables people use on their speakers (After they demo and buy them). Revel is a very popular speaker. They should have hundreds of confirmed cable purchases to draw on. I've been using them for years and find their recommendations to be very accurate.