RIP Amar Bose

I know Bose gets bashed a lot around here, but no one can deny he had a huge impact on audio.
The first time I heard the Bose 901 in 1973 or 74 I was in awe.
Ag insider logo xs@2xmuzikat
The first time I heard some Bose 901s, they were powered by some MacIntosh gear and it was so damn loud I had to walk out of the demo room, and I was young and invincible then. It was loud and clear and favored the high end with no real lower mids and bass and I couldn't get over that fact.

Even my brother had a pair that he blasted in the house, first on stands and then suspended from the ceiling. He couldn't stop fiddling with them, taking them apart and reassembly them and finally traded the broken speakers for something else. :-)

Bose was responsible for getting a lot of folk interested in audio and my hat's off to him for that. I don't begrudge him a bit for how things went later on.

All the best,

I am from Nashua and went to high school at Nashua High - class 80. Loved going to Tech Hifi back in the day!

Yes, Bose 901 at a party listening to Smoke on the Water and it sounded great! I had to have a set of those 901's when I was a teen....
Back in '77 a friend of mine purchased a new pair of 301's, along with a 45w/ch Technics/by Panasonic receiver and a B&O turntable. I enjoyed those 301's a lot - drinking beer, smoking and listing to Brian Auger's Oblivion Express double live LP. What a buzz!
RIP, Dr Bose, and thanks for those early 301's.