Vandersteen 2CE v NHT 2.5?? or ??

I currently have Vandersteen 2CEs and have always respected Vandersteens but have never been really sure they are the thing for me. I would like to compare them to NHT 2.5s and Infinity kappa 7.1s. My usual way is to buy them and put them side by side and decide then the loser leaves however $$ issues make that unlikely so I have to ask for opinions to give an idea . Thanks

Geph0007, I agree with you, Vandersteens are great speakers, but not my "cup of tea" as well. It might be helpful if you would state what difference in the sound you are looking for and the type music you listen to the most.
I have my friends VR2s here as he moved to 33s. I had tried a pair back in 2009 and I swear I prefered(refinement aside) my old Polk Monitor 10s.
I like the tonal color of the VR2s as it reminds me of most other speakers The Vandersteens tend to be a little darker but when one goes from the VRs to the 2Ces the stage really opens up in height and things seperate. I just listened to part of a rock concert from Palladia. It just sounded more open and real on the Vandersteens then the VS VR2s. However itwas but alittle more wooly on the 2CEs.

The Kappa 7.1 may be the one to try and compare. I am going by what is in my area and they are all close in price

As for the sound I am looking for?? I still enjoy my Monior 10s from 1980 flaws and all. They just sound like music and you get into it. Very open midrange and 3D sound. Bass is strong and goes very low but a little sloppy. Overall not as refined as the others in this group but there is a reason hy alot of folks really love them.

Had Infinty CS 3009s briefly Very cool but bass was to much. I would thnk the kappa 7.1 would be tighter and better.
I'm firmly convinced many spend thousands on this and thousands on that when what they really need is a bigger amp.
Given the choices above, I'd choose the Vandy's, but they're not for everyone. What do you like about the Vandys, and what would you like to improve upon with them?
Shubert brings up a valid point!
I currently have the 2.5's, before the metal dome tweeter, and Vandy 3A Sig. I have to agree with the comments about the hi-fi sounding of the 2.5's but with proper room placement and careful component selection some of this can be eliminated. One other thing less commented on is the 2.5's presentation, I always compare it to looking down into the soundstage, kind of like a balcony seat in a theater where as the Vandy's give a seated in the audience presentation. One way to minimize this is to get the speaker up off the ground to where the tweeter is about middle ear, you won't eliminate the looking down into the soundstage but you'll lower your presentation, ie movie theater seating with a jazz ensemble, not usually conducive with WAF . One of the best amps I found for driving these is the McCormack 0.5. The Infinity's I haven't heard in more than 20 years so can't comment.