Vandersteen 2CE v NHT 2.5?? or ??

I currently have Vandersteen 2CEs and have always respected Vandersteens but have never been really sure they are the thing for me. I would like to compare them to NHT 2.5s and Infinity kappa 7.1s. My usual way is to buy them and put them side by side and decide then the loser leaves however $$ issues make that unlikely so I have to ask for opinions to give an idea . Thanks
I currently have the 2.5's, before the metal dome tweeter, and Vandy 3A Sig. I have to agree with the comments about the hi-fi sounding of the 2.5's but with proper room placement and careful component selection some of this can be eliminated. One other thing less commented on is the 2.5's presentation, I always compare it to looking down into the soundstage, kind of like a balcony seat in a theater where as the Vandy's give a seated in the audience presentation. One way to minimize this is to get the speaker up off the ground to where the tweeter is about middle ear, you won't eliminate the looking down into the soundstage but you'll lower your presentation, ie movie theater seating with a jazz ensemble, not usually conducive with WAF . One of the best amps I found for driving these is the McCormack 0.5. The Infinity's I haven't heard in more than 20 years so can't comment.
Ig316b, I had a pair of 2.5's (metal dome)and noticed the
"balcony seat" effect as well.
It was a great design let down by inferior drivers IMO.

Mine were in a light blondish finish NHT called Sycamore, I kept them longer than I otherwise would have because of all
the 100+ speakers I've owned, they were the most beautiful to my eyes.
If you are just going by looks, I don't see how anyone could argue that the Vandersteen 2's aren't the best looking speakers ever. Well, maybe the 3's are better looking, but that's it.

So, what is attractive about a large black sock with a piece of wood trim at the top and bottom? Am I missing something?