Warm airy musical speakers?

I am a newbie to Hifi. Well I have been reading on forums on and off for the last 5 years, but never had any system myself.

I'm a musician myself and have an idea of what type of sound I'm looking for. It is a warm, airy, open and organic sound with good midrange for vocals. Listen to jazz, acoustic music, norah jones, Diana Krall etc..

I don't like a cold and bright type of sound.

I've read alot of sonus faber, venere 1.5/2.0. Could be that kind of speaker I'm looking for?! Also I have read about focal aria 906. Seems to get great reviews.

I live far off any hifi-stores so I thought I will collect some good candidates for listening, when I visit a bigger city.

My budget is around $2000 - $2300 for both speaker and amplifier. New or used doesn't matter. For an amplifier I'm interested in tubes..

All recommendations are welcome!
Chrishanl, I apologize profusely. I'll stop, lol. Back to the thread. I personally have never bought anything without hearing it. I've found that I often go into a store wanting to hear something and walking out with something else. I've never purchased something that I haven't kept for a long time, so I usually don't buy and sell like so many on here do. i guess if you can't go listen anywhere, you may need to purchase, but some things you can purchase and send back within 30 days if you don't like them. I would still find a dealer who knows systems and whom you can hopefully trust and explain your room, what you like etc... and he/she can put together something special. Just keep within your budget. Used is great, but only if you really know what you want. That's why a dealer who has a lot of brands and knows how to put the system together is still your best bet if you can work something out.
Yes, I always base on the history of the company. How Long they has been around and How Much products the have Sold. Not by magazine advertising, write-up. People's equipment with their Opinion and price.

I totally agreed with Zd and Paraneer.
Philsons,Yes I have bought many including speakers without listening. It is not possible for me to find dealers that sell the gear I like. I have been lucky 90% of the time. If you don't care for something that's what Audiogon is for!
Since you're in Sweden, I suggest you check out the System Audio lineup made in Denmark. I heard several of their speakers at Wilson Audio in New Orleans and was really impressed. I heard some floorstanders that retailed for about $3500 thru the Rogue Cronus Magnum integrated tube amp that sounded excellent and then I heard the smaller monitors for under a $1000 that sounded great mated with an inexpensive NAD amp. Just my two cents, but if you might be better off starting with that sort of system and good DAC or CD player and later upgrading to a tube integrated like the Rogue.