Top brand speakers

Could someone with a vast experience with speakers/subwoofers say which ones are the top brands and worth the money.
If you look at my last post Bo, I gave you a sincere thank you. And what do you do, more schoolboy taunts.

Classy Bo. Real classy. Nevertheless, I will await the emails from MA and Onkyo even though it appears it may take a week.

Hey, what is the name of the audio show in Veldhoven that you named absolute best in show at? Was it the X-Fi 2013 High End Audio Show in Veldhoven?
What I said earlier; we have a more sarcastic kind of humor. Don't take it that serious! :)

The Xi-Fi was a show in september 2013. This was the worst show I even saw. And many agreed. There was a discussion under shopkeepers that shows need to change.

This was the worst advertisment for audio since I visit audio shows.

Next weeks you will get the emailaddresses.

The show was called; Nationale AV dagen, AV2day.
Was at 6,7 and 8 ( dealer day)of April 2013.

movie of our room. In front you see my set.

My company is Sound&Vision Consulting. Onkyo hired me to do their presentation. I had all the freedom to do it my way. I also test new amps for them.
Thanks again Bo. Appreciate you giving us the name of the show and links. Now your really starting to step up to the plate.

The above is a compliment in America, not a slam by the way. So don't take it the wrong way.

From your revealing post above, we have definitely established a few things. One, you do sell audio products, whether through direct retail or consultancy and two, you have a relationship with Onkyo and Monitor Audio, the two brands you love to push.

So, when your buddies from Onkyo and Monitor Audio email to tell me their products were best in show, I won't be surprised. After all, I wouldn't expect them to say Pioneer or B&W. I'll keep my word and let everyone on the forum know that employees of Onkyo and Monitor Audio said Bo's presentation of their products were the best at the show.
I use only 3 brands for amps: Onkyo, Primare and Pass Labs

Cables: Audioquest, Purist Audio and Kimber

At this moment I only sell Monitor Audio.

When I start projects for houses and shipyards I think I will use Sonus Faber as well. Because I do business with the distributer who sells it. And they also can give depth.

I prefer to use less brands. I am a very focussed person. This way it gives you a much better endresult in sound.

The main advantage about consulting is that I have more time for every single client. I Always had a much more personal contact with clients compared to all the different colleagues I had in the past.

The biggest advantage of Monitor Audio is that all theur speakers can build a wide and deep stage.

Do not forget that I sold many of the bigger brands in audio for a long time.

When I started in 1998 I became very addicted to audio. In 1999 it was 80 hours every week. Even on monday on my free day I visited distributers. Testing has Always been the fun part in audio for me. I never had any colleague who soend so many hours on testing. All my money I invested in audio. In 1999 I had a set of about 50.000 dollar. I was 27 years at that time.

I could test every single cable or speaker I want. I did lend many different expensive cables at that time. I felt like a kid in a big toyshop.

I always have been very spoiled with exotic audio stuff. But I wanted to create the same exitement for less money for my clients.

I know that depth and intimate sound are essential parts for highend audio. The difference between highend audio and more standard audio was too big in my eyes. I wanted to make it smaller.

Monitor Audio and Onkyo give me the freedom to create a 3 dimensional stage and an intimate stage for prices many people can afford.

There is no competition in how I create sound in these price ranges. Other shops loose because they only can create a 2 dimensional sound. Also my focus of instruments and voices is a lot sharper than what other shops create. In resolution it is the same story.

When you use tools which can give a higher endresult, togheter you will achieve an even higher endresult. Audio is al about comparing. Sending people to other shops and see them coming back laughing, is price less.

I have become dealer of stillpoints recently. They also create a bigger and wider stage. And even make the intimate stage wihtin the deep and wide stage more physical and palpable.

Review about the Stilpoints will be here on Audiogon in a few days.

Today I will receive my new Audioquest Wild Signature xlr cable. I will write a review what it does and why it is an essentail part in a highend set soon.