What I said earlier; we have a more sarcastic kind of humor. Don't take it that serious! :)
The Xi-Fi was a show in september 2013. This was the worst show I even saw. And many agreed. There was a discussion under shopkeepers that shows need to change.
This was the worst advertisment for audio since I visit audio shows.
Next weeks you will get the emailaddresses.
The show was called; Nationale AV dagen, AV2day.
Was at 6,7 and 8 ( dealer day)of April 2013.
movie of our room. In front you see my set.
My company is Sound&Vision Consulting. Onkyo hired me to do their presentation. I had all the freedom to do it my way. I also test new amps for them.
The Xi-Fi was a show in september 2013. This was the worst show I even saw. And many agreed. There was a discussion under shopkeepers that shows need to change.
This was the worst advertisment for audio since I visit audio shows.
Next weeks you will get the emailaddresses.
The show was called; Nationale AV dagen, AV2day.
Was at 6,7 and 8 ( dealer day)of April 2013.
movie of our room. In front you see my set.
My company is Sound&Vision Consulting. Onkyo hired me to do their presentation. I had all the freedom to do it my way. I also test new amps for them.