Top brand speakers

Could someone with a vast experience with speakers/subwoofers say which ones are the top brands and worth the money.
In general I try to avoid internet squabbles with fellow industry members because I think it's bad form. But I will toss out a few thoughts on the concept of unearned authority, which is something that arises beyond these walls as well.

In any field, authority should be earned and expertise should be demonstrated or documented, and not merely claimed, nor carelessly granted to any claimant that comes along. For instance, if you need to have your website translated into French, you might ask someone claiming expertise to demonstrate, or provide documentation of, his expertise before you hire him.

Note that claims (no matter how numerous and impressive) are not proof, and may not even constitute evidence if there is no true source cited or reference provided. Statements such as "So you want proof; just ask them"; and "I have proven this more than once"; and "They know that I can create a superior end result... I do not have to prove this anymore. They know it!!" are attempts to elevate a mere claim to the status "proof" when it does not even qualify as "evidence". These are pretty clear indications that unearned authority is being sought.

These sort of statements should set off our BS detectors. If your little voice inside says "something's not right here", pay attention to it. Actual proof is hard to come by, but at least expect (preferably independent) evidence and/or some sort of demonstration of claimed expertise before accepting someone as an earned authority in any given field.

Duke- the bad form is all Bo's. I believe it was Daniel Patrick Moynihan who said "You're entitled to your own opinion but not your to your own facts".
These sort of statements should set off our BS detectors. If your little voice inside says "something's not right here", pay attention to it. Actual proof is hard to come by, but at least expect (preferably independent) evidence and/or some sort of demonstration of claimed expertise before accepting someone as an earned authority in any given field.
I take this as a direct assault on my claims of N-dimensional sound! I would also hold it up as an example of the pettiness that runs through the high end audio business which I and I alone will be the savoir of. You question my credibility, well who are you? Just because you're a successful loudspeaker designer with impressive technical chops doesn't make you an authority on quantum micro dimensional coherence wave theory. (Sure, my certificate is in cosmetology, not cosmology, but I've read a lot on my own.)

It's quite apparent that you don't understand N-dimensional sound. I'd explain it to you, but it's so complicated that you wouldn't understand the explanation. I'm doing you a favor. If you could grasp just a portion of what I have achieved with N-dimensional sound your head would start spinning and you'd end up in the fetal position crying like a baby. N-dimensional sound is hyper-palpable!

Duke, sorry to make this so personal. I realize you are totally intimidated by my extensive internet forum persona and was acting defensively. I accept you your apology.