Shrinking my system

I'm moving to NYC from a gigantic place out West and I need smaller speakers. I've got a VPI Scout II and a Rogue Audio Cronus Magnum. I'm going to pack up the Vandersteens, and I'm thinking of going Klipsch. No bigger than 5" bookshelves and a sub. What would you do?
Actually, I'd agree with Zd who suggested to wait and check out the apartment and surroundings and wall surfaces and neighbors and such before commiting to anything.

de Capo's are unparalleled for their price; Triangles work well with tubes, as do Montanas. Dynaudio are golden. But it all depends on the context and surroundings and environmental demands.
Check the Spiral Groove Canalis Anima or, as Schubert recommended, Totem Model 1.
I'd look at De Capo's or even Dulcets, depending on volume needs and room size. Both are quite terrific.