Lewinskih01, your plan is great. There is so much info about making speakers in real texts, you will be surprised that it is not magic. First thing, yes, use the best drivers you can. Check out Audio Technology, they are some of the absolute best.
And sure, the prices are low compared to finished speakers.
Cabinets are time consuming, finishing is time consuming, this labor has to be accounted for to the tune of $100 per hour or so, all parts have to have markups, there is dealer markup. Without any gouging, prices escalate quickly.
You will learn so much in a diy endeavor, and you will end up with a good set of speakers if you research and execute well.
Start reading the DIY forum. You will find a number of folks who really know what they are talking about. Fewer "know it alls", But lots of guys who really do things.
And sure, the prices are low compared to finished speakers.
Cabinets are time consuming, finishing is time consuming, this labor has to be accounted for to the tune of $100 per hour or so, all parts have to have markups, there is dealer markup. Without any gouging, prices escalate quickly.
You will learn so much in a diy endeavor, and you will end up with a good set of speakers if you research and execute well.
Start reading the DIY forum. You will find a number of folks who really know what they are talking about. Fewer "know it alls", But lots of guys who really do things.