I hear you Timrhu,
As a matter of fact, I have. So I perfectly understand what you're saying.
I've been visiting my local dealer in South FL for years and, one day as I walked in to pay a visit to my friend Larry (owner), I was floored by the sound!
A pair of unassuming Spiral Groove Canalis Anima driven by top of the line Rogue Audio. Simply breathtaking!
So much satisfaction that I'm saving to buy me a pair.
On another note, that is what I call a bargain! $400.00 for a pair of speakers with a $2,000.00 price tag.
Lucky you :-)
As a matter of fact, I have. So I perfectly understand what you're saying.
I've been visiting my local dealer in South FL for years and, one day as I walked in to pay a visit to my friend Larry (owner), I was floored by the sound!
A pair of unassuming Spiral Groove Canalis Anima driven by top of the line Rogue Audio. Simply breathtaking!
So much satisfaction that I'm saving to buy me a pair.
On another note, that is what I call a bargain! $400.00 for a pair of speakers with a $2,000.00 price tag.
Lucky you :-)