Jospeh Audio Pearl3 or Rockport Atria

I am looking for compact floorstanders. Recently heard the Rockport Avior ($30,000) at show, and was immensely impressed. They are too big for my room.
I will go hear the Atria ($20,000) which seems attractively priced, relatively of course, and more compact. Wondering if anyone has an opinion about Atria comparing to another similarly sized floorstander, the Joseph Pearl3?
You call that an attack? Seriously?

I am sorry if your self esteem was somehow damaged. If your skin is that thin, perhaps the internet is not for you.

If the childish can leave we can get back to biz. At a given price point I would hope ROCKPORT TECHNOLOGIES stated attention to detail would create better a more inert cabinet and better pair matching, therefore tighter frequency response,better imaging, nuance, dynamics?
Shakeydeal, trolling is against Audiogon's TOS. I'd add to that trolls will never admit that they troll other members, and typically have many supporters. Your continued disparaging remarks toward anyone defending your target is classic trolling behavior.
Shakey, I don't know the history between you and Ebm, but I don't accept your definition of trolling and your disparaging remarks toward me and the other member. I am just commenting on what i've read in this thread on face value. That said, Ebm also posted one comment in response which should be removed by the mods in my view.