Cleaning lady and vacuum

Is there any way to protect speaker bases from being damaged by aggressive cleaning ladies and their crashing vacuums other than threat or crime scene tape ?
"07-19-14: Wolf_garcia
Clearly the answer is to replace the cleaning staff with unemployed audio salon employees who desperately need jobs."

You mean the people that wire speakers out of phase and don't know it? The ones that pull power tubes out of a PP amp and turn it into an SET while its on and playing music? Or maybe the ones who carry heavy, high end CD players around using the open transport like it was a handle? I'll take my chances with the cleaning lady.

In case anyone is wondering, I didn't make those last 2 up. They really happened.
I have enough problems trying to keep my Roomba out of the stereo to ever trust a human being not to do it.
"07-21-14: Wolf_garcia
Makes me want to throw my drink across the lawn."

Look at the upside. An alcoholic would never to that.