Do distortion 's affect enjoyment of speaker?

Hoping for a concensus.
Ptss, please note that distortion's is possessive. So what you should have said is, Do distortions affect enjoyment of speakers, as distortions is plural.
08-08-14: Tbg
Ptss, please note that distortion's is possessive. So what you should have said is, Do distortions affect enjoyment of speakers, as distortions is plural.
here comes the language & grammar police. LOL! :-D
just pulling your leg Tbg. You're right but I decided to turn a blind eye & chose to discuss the subject matter as that seemed more important to me....
Ptss moniker is interesting. maybe it stands for Post-Traumatic Stress Syndrome? That's why the grammar is screwed up?? ;-)
Bombaywalla, I tell you what. If you're as wise and smart as you claim to
be, then we will see you designing and manufacturing leading high end
loudspeakers in the near furture which out-perform Wilson, Rockport,
Magico, Tidal etc right? And prepared to subject your designs not only to
rigorous testing and analysis, but to brutal market forces. Then post about
why owners of those speakers are backing the wrong horse mate,
otherwise you're just another philosopher espousing thier beliefs.
Bombaywalla ... let's be kind to Melbguy1 ... he agrees that Wilsons look like Dr. Who Dileks. Melbguy1, do you agree with me that GMA speakers look like Praying Mantis bugs, minus the antennae and eyes?

Hey guys ... I will try and tee up that DEQX audition next week. I'll report back with my subjective reactions.

Al and Ralph Karsten (Atmasphere) have said this more times than I can recall .... gear design involves trade-offs. As regards speakers, that may mean give up time coherence, but gain "X" with the view that what comes out of the speakers sounds really good ... not perfect, but really good. Heck, I am not even sure what perfect is.

Stay posted.