Another DAC suggestion a step above Metrum Octave

I currently own a Metrum Octave and looking for a dac that is clearly a step above the Metrum. Tube or SS, new or used, budget is $3k.

Utmost importance is more refinement than the Metrum. I also use a reclocker with my dac.

Please choose one from the list or add if you feel you must.
AMR DP-777 (maybe a little out of range)
Audio Research DAC8 (very very curious over this one)
PS Audio Perfectwave MKII (in my Oppo-95 days, did like Sabre 9018 sonic signature)
Berkeley Alpha I or II (don't really know what to expect)
Chord QuteHD (seriously don't like it needs a separate quality linear power supply to sound its best, why can't Chord use standard IEC connection like everyone else)
Kzhtoo, I had the Esoteric P3/D5 combo and it is typical of the Esoteric sound, very detailed and airy. Like you, I prefer a "glorious midrange, controlled and powerful bass...non-fatiguing sound". To this end, I found my Luxman D-06 cdp/dac to be exactly what I like. Of course this is not stand alone DAC but Luxman just released their DA-06 DAC. If I didnt also want a cdp and if I had any interest in playing hi-res I would have purchased the DA-06 instead but I got a very good deal on the D-06 cdp so I went this route. Unfortunately, the DA-06 DAC retails for $6K which I think is way overpriced. Perhaps wait a bit a look for something used or get a D-06 cdp and get a transport and DAC in one!
There is an Ear Acute DAC up for sale right now. It is definitely easy to listen to, non-fatiguing and, IMO, beautiful sounding. Those Focal speakers you own can get a bit spitty at times and I think the EAR would be a great match.
Again, thanks for the inputs guys. At the moment, it is coming down between Chord QDB76 HD and Esoteric D-05. Any comments?

Not clear to me if you are using a usb converter before your Octave. Maybe it was in the posts and I missed it. People claim a huge difference between having one good such converter before the Octave. Like Bhobba mentioned above.